4. SBT Staking

With staking, you can put your SBT to work and earn passive income.

4.1 Staking Pools

Pool 1.

1 week lock 150 % APR 2.5 x yearly

Pool 2.

1 month lock 500 % APR 5 x yearly

Pool 3.

1 year lock 1000 % APR 10 x yearly

4.2 Sustainability

If staker wish to emergency end stake their tokens they will pay a 90% penalty fee. This means that the staker will lose 90% of the rewards accumulated and only gain 10% rewards. 80% will go back in to the pools, 5% will sent to the $SHiB burn wallet and 5% to the SBP burn wallet.

The withdrawal fee also keep the dapp and token more sustainable. 2.5% from all rewards withdrawn will go back in to the pools and 2.5% will be sent to SBP burn wallet.

There is no deposit fee!

Last updated